After two weeks k.o because we had our "fiestas" & partys, all day in the streets drinking, dancing, laughing and waiting the rising sun. Today I'll try to write about Edinburgh but I think I need some hollydays to rest and take a break ; partying is very hard, you know!!!!
Well, let's continue talking about the Royal Mile and the last sections: High Street and Canongate
-High Street : This is the largest street and there's a lot of monuments and places to visit.
On the left you can see: High Court of Justiciary, Hume Monument, City Chambers, Mary King's Close (the most famous close of Edinburgh), John Knokx's House, etc.
On the right you can see Parliament Square & House, Statue Duke of Buccleuch, The Heart of Midlothian (a heart of stone in the ground that marks the entrance to the Old Tollbooth Prison. Tollbooth prisoners used to spin when they went in the prision and actually some people do the same for good luck), St Gilles Cathedral (wonderful), the Statue of King Charles (behind the cathedral), the Mercat Cross, Thor Kirk (kirk means church)which is closed because people think that there live poltergeists, the Museum of Childhood and many others.
In the middle of the street, crossing from North to South you can see the North Bridge and the South Bridge, where we usually catch our buses (8 or 14)
-Canongate: I think that, for me, It's the less interesting road but there are places like Canongate Tolbooth (with the watch), The People's Story (very interesting, because you can see how people lived in a Royal Mile house from down to the roof), Canongate Kirk and other places.
At the end you can see on the right the Scottish Parliament (very modern for me!!!) and in front the Palace of Holyrood.
SONGS: For today I'll bring you something special, it's not a group or vocalist. It's Blue Man Group, a creative foundation that creates theatrical shows with three people dresses black clothes and the rest of the head and hands are blue: called Blue Men an they play percussive instruments. Behind them there is a band
An advice: don't be late if you want to see one of their shows
The first song is "Above" and it was the beginning of his show "The Complex Live Rock"
The second one is "Up to the Roof", sung by Tracy Bonham