sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Herramientas Web 2.0 para la escuela

Leído en el blog de Celestino Arteta, Educación Tecnológica , una recopilación de Herramientas Web 2.0 para la escuela, realizada por Larry Ferlazzo .

Para acceder a ellas solo haz clic en este enlace

Espero que lo encontréis interesante.

SONGS: Uno de los grandes clásicos de finales de los 70 y 80 fue el grupo Dire Straits, el grupo liderado por el cantante, guitarrista y compositor Mark Knopfler. Los primeros tiempos de la banda fueron tan duros que decidieron darme ese nombre. El primer Lp que sacaron pasó sin pena ni gloria hasta que un dj londinense se dedicó a ponerlo y de ahí empezó su popularidad. Una de las peculiaridades de Mark Knopfler es la manera que tiene de tocar la guitarra: con tres dedos, pulgar, índice y corazón y que a pesar de ser zurdo para todo toca con la derecha.
Con el tiempo se hicieron una de las bandas más conocidas y su líder fue llamado por diversos autores para colaborar o producir sus discos (Bob Dylan, etc.)
Yo tuve la ocasión de verlos en concierto en campo del Principe en Cáceres (creo que fue en el 89).
La primera song que os voy a poner es la archiconocida Sultans of Swing

El segundo es Brothers in Arms

Mark Knopfler sigue publicando álbumes, algunos son bandas sonoras y en otras en colaboraciones (como el publicado junto a Emmilou Harris) y últimamente su música está más orientada al country que al rock.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

If it's Thursday...

It must be Pale course, but not; my God!!! why not? What can I do?.
All these months I've waited Thursday to see all these guys: Javier,Javi, Virginia, Isabel, Nuria, Kini,Raúl,Cristina, Gaspar, Mercedes,Salomé, Sandra, Lourdes, Mª José,Ana Belén... all of them but now I'm here sitting and waiting till June to see all again.
It's a shame (or "putada" in rude spanish)

We need another Friday's night PALE Party!

Why this title? because I remember an old film called "If it is tuesday it must be Belgium" , a film talking about tour operators and tourists (Tuesday in Belgium,Wednesday in Rome ...) and there is a song called like this but I can't find it on legal forms :)

SONGS: I remember when I was in Javier's car driving from my town to Coria, talking about the course and music, we are listening an Australian (but born in New Zeland) band called "Crowded House" and I said to him that I liked too much because they remembered me The Beatles sound
and I told to him that there was another band (TheAustralian Rolling Stones) called INXS
so I decided to show you both
First: Crowded House, his leader and singer was Neil Finn; their first hit in Spain-I think- was "Don't dream it's over", but sung by an English singer called Paul Young but the song I'll show you is another one, "Distant Sun"

House Crowded Lyrics

And now the another australian band: INXS (in excess) the band of Michael Hudchence and the Farriss brothers and his hit "New Sensation". I danced this song when I was younger (jejejeje)
I hope you enjoy, guys

Inxs Lyrics

Michael: you sang: "There's nothing better we could do that live forever",Why you didn't?R.I.P.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009


I'll try to write something in English (God bless us!!!)
Here I am remembering last weekend:
Friday afternoon fantastic at Pale Party: with (almost) all guys eating, drinking, laughing, dancing and at the end eating at the churreria (how do you say this word in English?) ; I can say like Martires del Compás's song: "toa las noches cerrando bares, esperando la luz del día" (all nights closing pubs, waiting for the day's light-more or less traduction)
Saturday night horrible: we went to Coria emergency room hospital and stay there from 10 pm to 6 am with my mother in love; luckily it was only the blood-sugar level and we are now all at home.

Unfortunately this thursday we don't have pale course (sniff!!!)

SONGS: I don't know why but today I'm remembering the old times, when I was a boy and there was a Dutch Band called Shoking Blue with a woman singer who has two big and beautiful eyes so I decided to show these videos:
The first is called "Venus" and it was very famous (1.969)

The second one is one called "Never Married a Railroad Man" with an spanish guitar (but not like Paco de Lucia's, for exemple)

And the last one: another dutch band called "Earth & Fire" (from 70's too) and his hit "Weekend"

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Patatas rellenas

Como ya me han pedido algunos cómo es la receta de las patatas rellenas he decidido escribir este post.
Se trata de un plato típico de Semana Santa, que aunque recibe el nombre de rellenas no es así, sino que son rebozadas (supongo que el nombre vendrá de la época del hambre, ya que así haría más ilusión su ingesta) y para prepararlo se siguen los siguientes pasos:
  1. Se pelan las patatas, se parten en rodajas gruesas (tampoco demasiado), se fríen y se apartan.
  2. Se desala el bacalao .
  3. Se cuencen huevos y se parten por la mitad.
Todo ello se reboza con harina y huevo. Se echa todo en una cazuela y se fríe.
Una vez hecho ésto, se echa en la cazuela ajo machacado, perejil ,laurel y un pimiento seco.
Se echa todo con un poco de agua en la cazuela y se pone a hervir un rato.

SONGS: como hemos estado hablando de algo tradicional, qué mejor que un poco de folk. El grupo que os traigo se llamaba Nuestro Pequeño Mundo y las dos pertenecen al primer Lp que sacaron en 1.968, titulado "El folklore de Nuestro Pequeño Mundo" donde recogen una serie de canciones de distintos paises y cantados en inglés, español, francés, etc. El Lp está producido por Joaquín Díaz, padre del folk en España.
Nuestro Pequeño Mundo fue el primer grupo de música folk al que otros siguieron su huella. El grupo pasó por diversas visicitudes que hizo que cambiaran de formación hasta que en 1.983 dieron por terminada su existencia.
La primera es una canción tradicional española "Me casó mi madre"

La segunda es una popular norteamericana "Sinner Man" y que me recuerda cuando de pequeño en misa sonaba el "oh pecador, donde vas errante..." , en fin, ¡tiempos!

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Seguridad en gmail

He pensado que como todos los que utilizamos blogger lo hacemos a través de Gmail sería conveniente que hiciérais un pequeño cambio en la configuración a fin de salvaguardar vuestro correo. Es muy sencillo, una vez dentro de vuestra cuenta vais a "Configuración"-"General" y allí en la última pestaña"Conexión del Navegador" marcáis Usar siempre hppts; luego guardamos los cambios y ya está.
Más información en ;

SONGS: Ésta vez dedicada a sus satánicas majestades; es decir The Rolling Stones. ¿Qué contar de esta banda?. Han sido portada tanto por su música como por sus excesos, parece ser que no hay nada que no hayan tomado, fumado o esnifado.Su primer contrato lo consiguieron con el sello "Decca", que después de haber despreciado a The Beatles y darse cuenta de su error, andaban a la búsqueda de alguna banda; al parecer fue el propio George Harrison el que sugerió al sello que los fichara. También como curiosidad que Lennon & McCartney les compusieron "I Wanna Be Your Man" como segundo single. Es considerada como la banda de rock más veterana del mundo (desde el 63 en danza).
A mí, personalmente, me gustan más sus primeros Lps hasta mediados de los 70; ahora los veo más como un negocio que de vez en cuando sacan un Cd, hacen una gira mundial, cobran el cheque y a vivir.
De todo el material que nos han dejado voy a elegir dos sogs: la primera es "Angie", al parecer fue compuesta por Keith Richard a su entonces mujer Anita Pallenberg, otros sostienen que está dedicada por Mick Jagger a Ángela, la que fuera mujer de David Bowie.

Another one: "Brown Sugar", donde se habla de los tópicos stoneros: sexo y drogas

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

International Teacher Identify Card

Hi again.

Para los que no lo sepáis hay un carnet internacional de profesor que hace descuentos en muchos lugares (museos, transportes, etc.). Solo se necesitan una fotografía tipo carnet, fotocopia del carnet de identidad y fotocopia de la última nómina y pagar 8 € en cualquier banco o caja con un formulario que os dan. Se hace todo en el acto.

En ésta página encontraréis todala información que queráis.

Para saber dónde realizarlo,mirad esta página:

Según me comentó el muchacho que me lo hizo hay lugares donde no aparece el logotipo pero que al
enseñarlo te lo aceptan y te hacen el descuento oportuno.

Aún así es conveniente llevar alguna foto tipo carnet porque supongo que en el lugar donde nos matriculemos también tendrán sus propios carnet para hacer rebajas en ciertos lugares.

Ya sabréis todos que la cena es el viernes entre 9 y 9,30 en "Nuevos Deportes", así que allí estaremos (hope so!).

SONGS: The Housemartins fue un grupo que solo publicó dos álbumes en los 80 pero que muchos grupos les reconocen una gran influencia. El bajista del grupo (el segundo que tuvo) es ni más ni menos que Fatboy Slim, considerado como el mejor Dj del mundo.
El primer tema es uno a "capella", es decir sin instrumentación, solo voces y se titula "Caravan of love"

La segunda se titula "Five Get Over Excited"

Espero que disfrutéis de ambas

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Juegos Pale 8

Estos juegos pertenecen a la última clase con Ana Belén. La verdad es que se me ha hecho no corto, sino cortísimo. Lo positivo es todos los amigos que he hecho y todo lo que he aprendido. Espero que esto tenga continuidad en el futuro.


  • Copy me.
  • Copy each one of the group.
  • Massage to your partner.
  • Rubber Chicken.
  • Zip,Zap,Boing, Kapao


SIMON SAYS (Warm Up & Game)

Simon Says is the traditional game of concentration, repetition and listening comprehension. Everyone imitates the leader who must direct the rest by giving them commands that either start with "Simon says..." or not. The participants must only do what the leader indicates with "Simon says"

Variation 1:

Those who move or respond to anything else must sit down until there is a winner.


Everyone is milling around the class. The have to do my order; clap, jump, stop, go.


Clap is jump and jump is clap.

Go means stop and stop go


All turns around their meanings
Whoever falls must leave the game and observe the rest with me.

1, 2, 3, 4

All in a circle we count 1 the next one 2, the next one 3 and so on. We will give three rounds like that.

  1. Clap
  2. Freeze
  3. Jump
  4. Shout
We won't start from the beginning changing the numbers for the actions but we will play for a bit with them until all of them instead of numbers will be actions.




Using the blackboard, get your group to make an exhaustive list of gifts received or given. To help ask them to think of gift giving occasions. When do people give and receive? Valentine, birthday, anniversary, wedding, Christmas, etc.

Get individuals to make their own lists, say of two gifts. Make it interesting the five best ever gifts you have been given. The five things you would give your worst enemy, the five biggest gifts they've been given and the five smallest gifts they have given etc, what has given most/ least happiness. When they have finished with their own list compile a master list on the board.

Organise the group in a circle or horseshoe with chairs. Explain that you want each person to imagine a gift and one by one to enter the centre of the circle and colllect their gift. They should pick it up and return with it to their seat and in doing so describe to the rest of the group the weight and size of what they have got. When they get to their seat they may interact with their gift.

The object of the game is for the rest of the group to identify the gift through the mime.


Three groups; two with three members and one with two members.

They will present a scene with dialogue where they demonstrate to the rest of the group, 1/Where they are, 2/ Where they have been, 3/ Where are they going but without actually saying it. They will write it down and then will read it for the rest of the group to guess.


In groups of three. Player One sits facing players two and three. Player One's objective is to listen and respond fully to each of the simultaneous conversations from players two and three. Player's two and three's objective is to command 100 % of Players ones attention at all times. Each may say or do anything short of physical contact to hold P1s attention. Run for two minutes. Player One decides which of the two held his attention best. Rotate Player One.

When we will have the three winners they will have to catch the group attention giving a convincing Speech, as politicians. The one who is move convincing for the group will have a price.


Each person will think in three numbers who have some kind of meaning for her/ him. The rest will have a question for each number and if they don't guess the person will explain what it means


I split the group in pairs. They will have to write a little dialogue and perform it with the help of some easy prompts. The class must guess what kind of couple they have performing.


In groups of three they have to make a scene (I will give them a few minutes to prepare it) and perform it. The rest must make at least four questions when they have finish (one each) to guess the scene



This warm -down is designed to try and get us all in synch. Everyone get into a tight circle.

Everyone looks down at the ground, not making eye contact with anyone else. The group all counts to three and on a count of three everyone looks up at once. Each player in the circle is responsible for making a strong choice, and they must either look to their left, their right, or directly across the circle. If players make eye contact, both scream and step out of the circle. This activity is continued until all are out of the circle.

Songs: Están dedicados a Led Zeppelin (grupo que le gustaba a Ana Belén), grupo británico de rock al que se le considera uno de los padres del hard rock (1.968-1.982) y uno de los más importantes e influyentes de todas las épocas.

Las dos canciones pertenecen al álbum Led Zeppelin IV. La primera es la archiconocida "Stairway to Heaven"

La segunda es "The Battle of Evermore" y os la traigo en una versión del grupo Lovemongers, grupo cuyas líderes eran las hermanas Ann & Nancy Wilson

Las letras de ambas canciones están muy influidas por Tolkien (el de la trilogía del Lord of the Rings); aunque hay algunos que también ven influencias ocultistas en la primera (who knows?)

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Who's who?

Guess who's who

Las caricaturas no me han salido muy bien colocadas, pero debéis perdonarme porque soy todavía un novato en estos avatares.

Ya cantamos el "Misere" y además el cura nos ha felicitado; así como se dice aquí: hasta el próximo año que echemos otro.

SONGS: Uno de los grupos de culto de los últimos años ha sido REM, un cuarteto (aunque en la actualidad es un trio) sureño de los EEUU. Su música es considerada de rock alternativo y es difícil escoger dos: voy a hacerlo con dos con un tipo de música muy distinto, la primera es "Let me in" rockera, muy guitarrera y con un ambiente muy deprimente que fue escrita en recuerdo de Kurt Corbain (líder de Nirvana) y pertenece a su álbum Monster.

La segunda es la archiconocida "Losing my religion" del álbum Out of Time, pero en versión acústica, más popera. El título es una expresión sureña que viene a significar algo así como perder el control

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

Juegos Pale 7 (2ª parte)

Hi, again.

Había pensado que sería bueno publicar los juegos que tenía preparado Raquel pero que no dio tiempo a hacer; así que manos a la obra:


Éste lo realizamos con Raúl.

This exercicie calls for instant reaction from the entire group to an order from the tutor telling them to form a shape. They must act as one unit, but nobody should speak, although members of the group may physically guide others to complete the required shape quickly. The tutor only gives the order once so that the group must listen and then move swiftly and silently into the shape. As soon as one shape is completed, the tutor gives the order for the next shape and so on. Speed, discipline and economy of movements are required.
Some exemples are:
Square, equials sign, multiplication sign, question mark, exclamation mark, division sign, the letter Z, the number 4, tiangle, straight line.


Players stand in a circle with enough room to move their elbows. Player One steps forward and begins miming an activity, any activity such as shearing a sheep. Player Two, to the right asks player One, "What are you doing?". Player One is to answer without hesitating with the first action which comes to mind OTHER than the one they are doing i.e. tying my shoelaces. Player Two then begins doing the thing announced by player One and is asked by player Three "What are you doing?".

Comment: Teacher can pre-teach simple actions with flashcards/drawings and use these to keep the game fluid. Alternatively compile the actions beforehand form the kids suggestions.

Variation 1: Get players to speed up and start to eliminate if the hesitate, repeat or make a mistake.


Players witness strange behavious from teacher at the beginning of class and at the end of the routine are asked to write down all that they have observed. In groups of four players compare stories and compose a more complete story. Each group's story should then be read to the whole group.
An alternative ending is for the teacher to repeat the strange routine again after the various stories have been read.
(i.e. Enter with shoes on backwards (or sweater, suspicious walk, secret to someone, suspicious look at someone, take off shoes, sweater, listen clap 3 times, listen, clap 2 times stomp 1, listen clap one, stomp 2, listen, stormp 3 times listen .Look satisfied)

  • 1,2,3, (stamping on the one)
  • 1,2,3,4 (stamping on the one)
  • 1,2,3,4,5 (stamping on the one)
All together creating a common rhythm.

SONGS: Una australiana llamada Sia que publicó un tema titulado "Breath" pero el que aquí os dejo es un remix del tema "The girl you lost to cocaine" que es muy cañero para estos días

El segundo tema es del grupo Macaco y se titula "Puerto Presente", perteneciente al álbum del mismo nombre. Macaco es un grupo que hace música fusión con músicos de distintas nacionalidades y estilos.

martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Juegos Pale 7

Esta sesión fue el día 26 de marzo y fue realizada por Raquel, una amiga de Ana Belén que ese día no pudo asistir y con la que también nos lo pasamos muy bien.


Rotations from ankies to neck.

Hubo un par de ejercicios francamente que nos resultaron difíciles: uno era subir con una mano desde la cara bordear la cabeza y bajar mientras que con la otra empezábamos el movimiento al contrario de manera que terminaba frente a a la cara.
Otro que nos fue difícil fue el de cruzar los brazos de manera que parecían molinos (yo, desde luego, no lo logré)


Everyone quietly mills about the class. One person will elect to freeze in position unexpectedly. As soon as one notices that someone else has frozen in position they freeeze as well. So the efect of one person freezing causes everyone to freeze. Once everyone is still the group starts milling around again. The goal is to see how quickly the group can freeze in position.

The warm-up can be made more interesting by having the players make noise as they move around. Increasingly noisy characters make it harder and harder to notice the group stop, and therefore makes it more challenging


Players are invited to move about the class through a variety of imaginary environments, when the leader calls out a number, everyone must get in a group of the same name size as the number.


Body Part Clumps: Same as above except leader shouts out numbers and a body part e.g. three noses, the players from groups of three and touch their noses together


Simple game where everyone is seated in a circle and the leader stands in the middle. When the leader says: "all those wearing blue,Change! everyone wearing the colour blue must change seats; the leader will also try to find a seat so that one person will be left without a seat standing in the middle. Start the game focused on clothing e.g. "all that wearing jumpers, Change!", then combine items of clothings with colours, "all those with blue bras, etc."

Alternatives: All those whith two sisters, all those with a dog, all those who like pizza, all those who have been to Benidorm


A basic list and memory game, the students sit in a circle and say "I went to the market and I bought" witch is followed by an object of some sort, for example, an apple. The next student then repeats this phrase and adds their own object.
There are many variations to this game for objects to go through the alphabet using a different letter to begin each new word. Another idea would be to only allow objects larger than a tv or only animals, or illegal things. The choise is wide and the game can be used to teach specific vocabulary.
  • Spanish rivers.
  • Cubists artists
  • multiples of 4

Players stand in a circle passing around a rolled newspaper. One player is in the centre with his /her eyes closed. When the player is in the centre shouts stop, the player holding the newspaper must name six items in the category selected by player one before the newaper makes a complete circle. If the player is successful then he/she mover into the centre and selects the next category. Categories can be ,for example, six breeds of dogs, six types of flowers, vegetables and films with one-word titles (parts of the cell, six multiples of 3, 6 town of England, 6 mountains of Spain)
Comment: Players have to think quickly and focus on the task of naming the items. It's interesting to notice that the players tend to take more interest in the moving of the newspaper and the countdown.


Players break into groups of 3 to 6 (with Raquel we sit all around in a circle). They must each state 2 true things about themselves and one lie. The others must guess which the lie is


Two players are chosen to start. The group stablish the who and where of a scene and the two players must produce a dialogue consisting of questions only. The first player to hesitate for too long or to anser with a statement must sit down and be replaced by another with same situation or a different one, depending on consensus. (Very difficult for me!!!!!)


Players from a circle looking at the floor and without a sequence or determined order try to count from one to ten. If two or more people speak at the same time the counting must begin again from zero.
Alternatives: days of the week, months of the year, letters of the alphabet.
Another application is to generate lists such as famous authors, kings and queens, scientific formulae agree on a sequence and play the game

WORD BALL (Sometimes sock!)

Have the group stand in a circle and explain that as the sock is passed from player to player each personmust say a word beginning with the letter A. When the A's are exhausted or when a player pauses too long, move on to the B's and repeat the process through the alphabeth.
Once players are comfortable with the idea of words moving with the sock start to throw the sock around randomly from player to player if the sock is dropped you move on a letter


Groups of six to eight, like Word Ball only this time as the socks are passed or thrown from hand to hand players exchange words which are directly associated with the previous ones. Build speed.
Note: it may help for the instructor to stop into the middle and act as a sort of pacekeeper or pendulum, in order to avoid large pauses and too much thinking. If one player can't think of anything she/ he is simply skipped.


Two players begin to talk on a subject without saying what the topic of their conversation is .The other players are invited to first listen and when they think they know what the conversation is about, to join in. They should not try to guess the subject but to participate.
For exemple:
  • The King Juan Carlos
  • Andalucia
  • The Civil War
And now songs: las dos canciones que os voy a poner son el grupo inglés The Smiths, tuvieron una vida bastante efímera (del 82 al 87). Eran un cuarteto inglés liderados por el cantante y letrista Morrissey y el guitarrista y compositor Johnny Marr. Están considerados como uno de los grupos más influyentes desde su creación y muchos de los grupos actuales les consideran como sus precursores.

La primera song es "Panic" , donde Morrissey pide repetidamente que ahorquen al Dj ("hang the Dj") .El 26 de abril de 1.986, día de la catástrofe de Chernobil, Morrissey y Marr se dirigían a la BBC 1 para una entrevista que les iban a realizar y oyeron en un boletín informativo la noticia del desastre ; a continuación el dj de la emisora pinchó "I'm your man" de Wham!; Morrissey se pilló tal mosqueo que decidió escribir una canción para pedir que ahorcasen a dicho Dj

La segunda es "That Joke Isn't funny anymore" y está grabada en Madrid en el 85

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009


Aquí os dejo unas rimas (trabalenguas) que me pasó Raúl. La primera es una variación de la de Peter Piper, que ya la publiqué, pero el resto son nuevas.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

She shells seashells by the seashore

How much wood
would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck
could chuck wood?

Rubber baby buggy bumpers

There was a young lady from Niger,
who smiled as she rode on a tiger
they returned from the ride,
with the lady inside,
and the smile on the face of the tiger

SONGS: Os dejo una canción de un grupo francés llamado Noir Dèsir, titulada "Le vent nous Portera". Espero que os guste tanto como a mí

Noir Dsir Lyrics

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009


Hi, again.

Ya descansando, que ha sido un trimestre largo.

Os dejo la famosa canción de las bananas (thanks, Raul).

Bananas of the world United!
Go, banana go; go, banana go
Run, banana run; run run banana
Peel banana; peel peel banana
Peel to the right!
Peel to the left!
And huff take a bite

SONGS: La idea de este grupo me la trajo un amigo cuando el sábado pasado (después de la excursión a Monfragüe) pinchando un tema de Gwendal me comentó que si no eran Jethro Tull a lo que lógicamente respondí que no; se me quedó pensativo y reiteró que le recordaba mucho a dicho grupo. Así que hoy os pondré un par de songs del conjunto de Ian Anderson, longevo grupo que empezó a finales de los 60 y cuyo nombre proviene del agrónomo e inventor inglés del siglo XVIII y del mismo nombre. El nombre no lo eligieron porque les gustara la naturaleza ni nada parecido sino porque en sus comienzos en cada actuación que hacían se ponían uno, hasta que un empresario les llamó para repetir ante lo cual decidieron dejarse el que habían utilizado ese día.

Jethro Tull es un grupo considerado de música progresiva y la principal característica es la forma de tocar la flauta del propio Ian. El primer tema que os dejo (mira por donde) no la utiliza,es del año 1.971 y se titula "Aqualung"

El segundo pertenece a "Thick as a Brick" álbum conceptual lanzado en 1.972 y donde sí podemos apreciar el manejo de la flauta.

A descansar!!!!!!!!!

Juegos Pale 6

Esta es la 5ª vez que lo intento, así que haremos caso al refranero: "no hay 5º malo".
La clase la hicimos con Ana Belén el jueves 19 de marzo.


We did it in the ususal way as the previous session adding some voice games to warm up the voice and break the ice in order to speak freely.

Copy Me: All copy the teacher in movements and sounds.

Rubber Chicken.




In a circle each of us says their names and makes a movement. We all copy it.


Name-movement- to (movement to another participant and it passes on to that person).

Name-movement-movement of someone else in the circle and passes on to that person (we don't say "to" so it's just movement. People are sending out as the failed or were too slow.


Everybody is walking around the class. At someone point the all greet to someone by shaking hand.


  • We will endow each of the greetings with an element, i.e. greet each other like you are all friends, someone you have a crush on, someone you love, someone is smelly, ...
  • Each person is got a phrase which they have to learn by heart and must be perform with a specific emotion i.e:
  1. What's the time? I am late... I am very late (Ansious, anxiety)
  2. The world isn't big enough for both of us (Challenging).
  3. Mum, where did you put the biscuits? (angrily)
  4. I hide them under my armpit (secretly)
  5. Where are the children? Where are they? (desperate)
  6. What are you looking at? (desperate)
  7. You've got a stain on your shirt (joking)
  8. I loved you from the first moment I have seen you (in love)
Each person will say a phrase every time they look at someone and with the particular
On my clap they will "freeze" in the action. When I will touch someone's shoulders
that person will say the phrase and will stop when I will touch the shoulders again.

9. One person will say the phrase with the emotion and the rest of the group have to guess wich the emotion he/she is performing is.


All sitting down in a circle with their eyes close, they have to think of the sounds they can hear and name them to the rest of the class.


All players sit in a circle. Someone send a message and it must be passed on to the next person and so on. The last person must tell what was the message she/ he did send and witch did get back.


Each one secretly has to think in a famous person (historical, tabloids, actors,...). One they have decided, they have to write down some of the facts about that person life and share with the rest of the group so they have to guest who is the person is talking about.

SONGS: Os dejo un par de temas de un grupo de Manchester llamado James que espero que os gusten. El primero es "Getting Away With It " y aparece en la banda sonora de la película "Big White"

La segunda creo que será más conocida, "Born of Frustation"

¡Buena Semana Santa!, a recargar pilas y el de la "Opo", ya sabe..............¡DESCANSA TAMBIÉN! jejejeje